Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Day 194, motorcycle image motion induced nausea

Anyone would think this person had an interest in motorcycles.

There are more on another shelf, hidden from view.

Also, anyone would think that Google "auto awesome" has an interest in making a person travel sick.

The effects that Google apply to photographs can certainly have unintended consequences.

I've had to add enough carriage returns to make the image scroll off the screen so that I don't chunder on the keyboard.

Here's the start of some whitespace to present a bit of a cushion.

Here's the end of the whitespace.  If only it was possible to change the frame timing of the "auto awesome" animated GIF. 

It is in fact much less unpleasant if you can scroll down far enough to avoid seeing the top of all the books.

For official/internal use only:

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