Saturday, 11 April 2015

Day 176, Clanger Pi lander

An image of the Pi Clanger Lander interface being built was leaked after their module landed.

The Clangers needed to modify the sensitivity of the touchscreen as having woollen fingers made control rather difficult.  Once this obstacle was overcome (nobody mention pipe cleaners and their wire inner) then it was a simple matter of assembling the device.

At first the adafruit TFT screen didn't start up as described in the configuration documents.  After a number of dead ends it turned out that SPI master driver, spi-bcm2708, was blacklisted in the file


Commenting out the line

blacklist spi-bcm2708

by putting a # symbol in front of it was the simple solution.  Manually stepping through a restart of the modules brought the touch-screen to life, equally a reboot would have had the same effect.

They then put their feet up and had the Clanger equivalent of a beer.  If only there was a shop on their small hollow planet that sold them they could have had some potato cakes as a celebratory addition to blue string soup.  In fact there are no shops on the small hollow planet, if only they had had capitalism, maybe that would have solved that problem.

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