Saturday, 25 April 2015

Day 190, long range forecast

Zarwal Nabafnicote stared at the horizon.

There was something there, hidden behind the heat haze, not an optical illusion, there was definitely something there.

Zarwal made the decision.  Time to contact the team.  If the data was correct, minimising assumption from calculation and prediction, then the machine needed to be activated.

Headquarters received the news from Zarwal and betrayed no sense of alarm.  Operatives at the frontline, those waiting and watching, hadn't been given all of the facts.  In fact those operatives had been given no facts.  There was concern that those operatives wouldn't have remained stationed at their posts if they had known.

The 'machine' as understood by the frontline operatives was actually no such thing.  There was very little that could be done about what was about to happen.  The aim was to maintain normality for as long as possible before putting the hidden objective into action.

Zarwal had done what was requested but had not previously considered what the next move would be.  Headquarters had said "wait for further updates", but this did not sit well given the level of fear instilled in the watchers.  Perhaps headquarters had made a mistake with their planning, Zarwal thought.  Perhaps there was something else, something they weren't saying?

Zarwal considered for a moment, thought "I'm being silly", and then relaxed.

As Zarwal sipped a cup of tea, eyes shut, then started doing the recommended relaxation exercises.  Counting back from 10, further relaxed, Zarwal started to become drowsy.

Then, an almighty crack, like that of an enormous, bone dry and brittle tree branch breaking, brought Zarwal back to earth with a start.

For official/internal use only:

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