Friday, 6 March 2015

Day 140, space lifeboat procedure

Power consumption issues on the low level orbit vehicle have necessitated temporary relocation for refuelling on the far side of the sun.

While the refuelling takes place there will be no access to the lifeboat vehicle.  If there are events which would have necessitated an evacuation procedure then phase 6 should be instigated immediately while awaiting further instruction.

There is a small risk that a major event causing removal of the planet could occur during this procedure.  However this is considered to be so small that the risk is acceptable - it is acknowledged that if this did take place the result would be an end to the mission and individuals.

While potentially inconvenient this process must take place otherwise the cloaking mechanism will fail and the mission will be discovered by the native residents.  Given the lack of tolerance native residents can demonstrate, as exampled by the animosity expressed when it is discovered that a neighbour is from the next location along, it is imperative that discovery does not take place.

Normal behaviour should be maintained.

All mission individuals will be entitled to a voucher to be redeemed at the corporate store as a recognition of the inconvenience.

We thank you for your understanding during this difficult time.

Mission commander Eric.

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