Monday, 2 March 2015

Day 136, continuous purpose

Is repetition enough to convince you to do something?

Recently I received a card through the door from an estate agent.  Now estate agents have a bad reputation but in this instance they were helping in an humanitarian effort.  According to the card a certain Mr and Mrs R of Hunters Bar were looking for somewhere to live and they considered that the house I live in might be ideal for them.  Well I didn't have to think twice, I'm renowned for my charitable work and in fact I donate 110% of my salary to victims of the Peloponnesian war.  I looked at the card and immediately read on.

Mr and Mrs R felt that they had outgrown their house in Hunters Bar due to the arrival of their new offspring.  This lifestyle change meant that they were short on space in their current location.  Obviously their lifestyle choice shouldn't be obstructed by some childless old fart with more than one bedroom.  If at all possible we could move out immediately, into a tent if required.

Barely a week goes by without some waste of resources being posted through our door from an estate agent, and presumably everyone else in the street.  It's up to them what they spend their cash on, obviously this has an impact on the fees you are charged when dealing with an estate agent but that's the nature of capitalism.

If only there was an update on Mr and Mrs R, I'm here in suspense hoping for a satisfactory outcome.  Perhaps there will be further developments, maybe they will have other lifestyle changes, an elderly relative has arrived for them to care for perhaps.  Or the adopted Rwandan orphan they made a one-off payment for to help with schooling has arrived on the doorstep.

A couple of women laughing at the shabby quality of proposed rental accommodation in Hunters Bar.

Who knows what crap the estate agent will claim is going on to try and capture attention and swing a movement in the market.  What are they thinking when they produce this guff, is it some sort of emotional manipulation, is a psychological trick to make people think that selling up would be a great wheeze?

I haven't got a clue.  But no, repetition in this case is not enough to convince me to do something, however, with a general election on the horizon I expect there will be a shed load more of this sort of thing from all directions.

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