Friday, 22 May 2015

Day 217, Stone soup

Who would live in a bowl like this.

A frog, a toad, a misplaced goldfish.

No, it's none of those things, ignore my foolish entreaty to believe such things.  What we have here is a training cap for headstands.  It may be missing the hand tooled leather chin straps but in all other respects it is fully intact.

The trainee-headstander would have placed this on their head whilst standing upright.  A Taraxacum wrangler would have been on hand to assist with the process of attaching the cap and instructing on the correct process for human inversion.  It is thought that the name Taraxacum was drawn from the French use of the word to indicate someone with fluffy hair resembling that of a Dandelion.  

Once the trainee has the cap securely fixed and their body inverted the wrangler may have held the feet, or indeed verbally abused the trainee at appropriate points.

Why or how this device ended up discarded in a field in the backwater city of Sheffield is unknown.  It is not a tradition of the city or indeed the county of South Yorkshire.  Perhaps we will never know the origin or history of this unusual component.

Only one clue remained, on turning over the cap it was noted that the words "Property of Metropolitan Police" were inscribed on the top (or the base as pictured), and "hand tooled."


For official/internal use only:

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