Sunday, 17 May 2015

Day 212, More words, not last, and noise, lovely noise

Taken a random stab and dug into the pile of tapes rootled out yesterday.  The first one looked like it was a demo tape rather than one of phone messages.  It turned out it was not only a recording of a jam session but also contained a rhythmic, acoustic guitar tune played over some thematically related voicemail messages.

At some point then I'd compiled selected messages into a tune.  The art reference in blog 211 was already realised, clearly this means that I embody much more dynamism than expected (ahem).

The jam session was a revelation.  I have no memory of it, but then we did play for many hundreds of hours.  And at times we played, making stuff up as we went along, really quite well together.  What surprised me was how good my Hendrix style riffs were and how crap I could be at other times, completely exposed and missing the point and possibilities.  What also surprised me was the controlled feedback, I'd have no chance of doing that now but it was masterful (oh I do love myself, hahaha), if you like squealing and wailing guitar that is.

The message tune is interesting, there must have been an idea behind the selection.  But then again there is the common theme of "you aren't in you arse", which is amusing.  One gem of the messages is, "pick up the phone you pretentious tosser", which is rich given who says it.

If I can dig out the right combination of cables I'll transfer it from tape to the digital realm.

Bought this four track device after I'd got a decent job which was some time after the recordings and was purely for being able to access the stack of the jam tapes.  Digital multitrackers had become affordable at that time so this machine is right at the end of production of tape devices, and as a consequence of that it was a bargain.

For official/internal use only:

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