Sunday 11 October 2015

Day 359, I dunno, it might work

It would be great to have a telescope and get a decent view of objects in the night sky.  But it's often cloudy, there are trees, there are very bright LED street lights, and so the useful and usable field of view is often restricted to one that is very narrow.

So as a cheapskate work around let's use binoculars.  They don't occupy as much space when not in use, they are relatively portable, and they are cost-effective and can gather a lot of light if they are a decent size - these are Celestron Skymaster 20 x 80.  These bins allowed me to see Jupiter and four of the moons while balancing them on a wall, which was brilliant, if only I could have taken a photograph.

So let's try some half-baked antics with the bins and a camera to see what we can pull off.  Thus far it has been a pretty unimpressive test against some trees at the back of a garden a couple of roads away.  The real test will come when there's a clear night with a decent objective to be seen in the narrow field of view available.

Not sure tonight will provide anything, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars all are due to be below the horizon or behind houses.

Taps watch, waits for darkness, some day, maybe tomorrow.

For official/internal use only:

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