Tuesday 30 December 2014

Day 74, Listers, blisters

Some years ago I read that book by that chap about Arsenal, there were a lot of lists.  Or was that his other book that had lists.  But then again most of his books had lists.  I read two, or maybe three of his books. So that's an assumption that most had lists. They were ok.

This has nothing to do with that chap and his reminiscence about Arsenal.

It's not about a list.

It's about lists.


Listing things is pretty dull.

Or has it just become dull.

Empirical research suggests that lists become dull after you've been exposed to two in a 60 minute period(1).

TV at this time of year is full of lists.

Newspapers at this time of year are full of lists.

The internet.  That’s full of lists.  Shedloads of ‘em. All year round.

Dull.  Dull.  Dull.

Pretty sure the internet didn’t used to be like that(2).

There used to be stuff on the internet.  Not just:
“13 sets of teeth you wouldn’t believe”
“27 tattoos that will make your ears blush”
“41 pop stars favourite falafels”
“9 celebrity divorce settlements that will shock and curl your teeth”
“17 world leaders sock drawers that will give you a glandular infection”


Do you see what I did there.


1. This is almost certainly made up.
2. Genuinely, it didn't, believe me.

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