Saturday 16 July 2016

Day 638, Summary Justice

Out here in the boonies we don't put up with behaviour outside of the norm.  We are quick to act, and punishment follows hard on the heels of an offence.

In Haddock County the Sheriff and Mayor swiftly deal with any problems.

You might say we are not tolerant, but the word 'tolerant' is duplicitous.  You tolerate something but you don't accept it.  It allows the deception of believing you are being progressive, whereas it's just a filter through which to hide your disapproval, it's a lie.*

We aren't like that.  Our outlook is plain and honest, and we make sure we express it in no-nonsense black and white terms.

We don't have time for nuanced arguments.  It is time for plain speaking.

You are either with us, or against us.

The decision has been made.  So shut up, or ship out.**

Otherwise you might end up as a warning to others, hung out, attached to a street sign.

But the Haddock County weather is always pretty good, so maybe it won't be so bad.

Summery justice.***

* Tolerance - a rung on the ladder of acceptance.
** "It's over, done, stop going on about it now."
*** The lengths some people will go to for a crap pun - I'm not aware of any events outlined here being the norm in Crosspool, wherever that is.

For official/internal use only:

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