Saturday 2 July 2016

Day 624, There to watch over us

The basket of vegetables has been upturned, someone took a step back and squashed a courgette with their size 9's, turnips roll out into the street.

Sometimes chaos ensues for no apparent reason.

There's always a reason.

I blame Have I Got News For You for giving a platform to one of these fuckwits reasons and making it appear dippy and a bit cuddly.  There's the 'common sense for common people' sloganeering approach too, it appeals to people's wish for simplicity, for easy answers, and desire to blame.

Rather than being governed by what amounts to little more than a collection of vegetables who play us for fools we need to make a change.

So with that in mind what I propose is this.  That we get invaded by an alien race who will give us a common focus to aim our displeasure with the world.  That this alien race enslaves us and keeps us occupied, giving us the simple answer of our desire to blame, and thus making our lives easier.*

What could go wrong, we wouldn't need a stock-market, we wouldn't need to spend money, and assuming the aliens couldn't tell us apart there would be no sexism, racism, etc, etc.**

A benign (-ish) presence to give us common focus in our lives.

Obviously there's a problem with all of that, if we had a common focus then any rebellion could actually be effective.  Imagine that, humans gathering together with a common cause with the aim of overthrowing those that subjugate us.

I suspect the aliens are way ahead of us though.  They would create a more complex world where we would work for their ends without recognising that they are squeezing us like lemons.

There'd be jobs very like those we have now, events for entertainment such as sports, concerts, and plays.  There would be aspiration, there would be trends and fashions for us to follow.  There would be industries whose sole aim was to persuade us to do things we hadn't considered doing and to buy things we hadn't considered buying, and the people working for them wouldn't be aware that this was all part of the great machinery of distraction.  Education, industry, business, all part of the facade, painted into our psyche from birth.

Comprehensive and complex.

And all rather how it is now.***

Time to roll the turnips into the street.****

* Rarely is the word 'thus' needed, why then does my phone never suggest 'this' when accidentally hitting the U instead of the I?
** They can't tell us apart, I've decided that's the case.
*** What suckers we are.
**** Vive la révolution, let's man the barricades - just let me watch F1 qualifying first, and finish this beer, and have a bit of a lie down.

For official/internal use only:

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