Thursday 12 May 2016

Day 573, Static cycling

You too can expend a massive amount of energy by not going anywhere.

Yes, that's right, not going anywhere.


Well not so fast actually, other than the legs.

The legs go fast, round and round.

What an idiot.

No that's not right, this is for fitness purposes which is surely a good thing.

And the celery, the endless celery, bulking up the main meals.

I do like celery but really, there is only so much celery a person can eat.

And apparently one celery stick is as bad for you as six cigarettes.

But who would eat six cigarettes, and where does this information come from.*

Is that six Park Drive, or Capstan Full Strength, or a pack of Marlboro Menthol, or whatever the fashionable fag du jour is.

I can't imagine that eating six e-cigarettes is that good for you either.

This has all gone wrong.

Static cycling, it raises the heart rate, it exercises the legs, it gets a person out of breath.

And these things are all good for you - unless they aren't.

So get on your bike and pedal off into the same place, unless it's bad for you personally, then don't do it.**

* Maybe I should be smoking the celery?
** My knees hurt, I may have overdone it.

For official/internal use only:

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