Sunday 1 May 2016

Day 562, The Fifth Element

I'm not sure how many grill elements I've replaced on the oven but it can't be far off five.

It appears to be a design feature of the Hotpoint BS-22 grill that it is supported only along the length at the front side of the element.  It could really do with a second support along the rear as this would prevent the element from starting to droop over the period of repeated heat cycles.

There's a secondary problem.  The self tapping screws that retain the support had previously been replaced with screws which are less than ideal.  Obviously the element had been replaced a few times before I got my screwdriver on it and at some point the original screws have been lost or became no longer fit for purpose.

The support bar is also getting bent out of shape, and the screw holes are getting more worn and larger with each replacement, which might explain why there are no original screws.

Quality engineering.*

This cooker has probably already had replacement parts greater than the cost of a new oven.

What I could really do with are some short, self-tapping screws, of a slightly smaller diameter to the current holes.  It would be ideal if the pitch of the thread on these screws was equivalent to the thickness of the steel with the hole.  But sod that, the replacement grill is in and I'm not going to touch it until it bends out of shape or the screws drop out.

Perhaps there is a grill element out there, somewhere, some sort of legendary cosmic element that fits correctly and doesn't become misshapen through use.  Would it be too much to get Milla Jovovich and Bruce Willis on the case to look for it? - If Bruce is unavailable that's fine.

* This is sarcasm.

For official/internal use only:

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