Friday 15 January 2016

Day 455, Thinking. Tried it, too hard

It's a lot easier not to bother.

You can then get on with believing any old tripe that occurs to you.

And be a happy, if ignorant, fuckwit.

But hang on, what weird belief have I inserted there?

Well it's a supposition rather than a belief, containing a rash generalisation and an assumption.

Aren't you veering into pedantry now?


So you can be either happy and ignorant, or unhappy and filled with knowledge?

No, that's a false dichotomy.

Believing 'any old tripe' is the world of many a tabloid, and broadsheet, reader.

What about being a fuckwit?

Anyone can be a fuckwit, no matter how much or little they think.

And ignorance?

No, that's not purely the province of the non-thinker either.

Ok, what about being a pedant?

Well, I only got as far as 'A' during my journey before giving up so have no idea.*

* And Blackadder fans, there was no mention at all of Aardvark.

For official/internal use only:

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