Sunday 27 September 2015

Day 345, This is no hapax legomenon, this is mind blowing

The Library of Babel website, inspired by the story by Borges, is a virtual library which contains every possible combination of (up to 3200) characters in a collection of 410 page books.

Every possible combination.

That's a lot of 410 page books.

The combination of characters might only be 3200, but that amounts to 10 to the power 4677 books.  If that number doesn't feel particularly large then consider the number of atoms in the observable universe is 10 to the power 80.

I entered my random string of text, not too long as thinking is hard and there's a self imposed grammatical limit in this house on a Sunday.

My text was:

my giraffe has space and time enough to eat the morning dew of the dandelion

And it turns out that the text is on page 370 of 410 in Volume 9 on Shelf 3 of Wall 3 of Hexagon...

The library is arranged into hexagons, there are a lot of hexagons.

I'll spare you the hexagon location for the moment and stick it at the end, here is a screenshot of the output backed by the location.

The text also appears on a few other pages, not on its own but mixed in with other text.

This is the hexagon location:


My head is now hurting.

And hapax legomenon, what's that all about?

It's the name for when a word only appears once in a particular context.  The context maybe the entire language, a single essay, a novel, etc.  That certainly ought not to be in the context of the Library of Babel.

For official/internal use only:

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