Sunday 13 September 2015

Day 331, Overgrown, cut down, concern for security, cock up on the catering front Jimmy?

Tsk, honestly, you just leave some flora to grow out of control for a bit so that fauna can leap out at you and scare itself to death and the next minute the forces of tidyness arrive and chop it back.

I suppose the upside of this is that it is possible to get past dawdlers unaware that someone is walking behind them while they are in their headphone isolation zones. 

And zombies are less likely to be concealed, or trapped behind, a large pile of ivy.  Making the passage much safer for transit by those that are freaked out by such things.

What else could be lurking down there, behind the overgrowth?  Let's ask Jimmy from the Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin.

What might be down there Jimmy?

"Forces of anarchy: wreckers of law and order. Communists, Maoists, Trotskyists, neo-Trotskyists, crypto-Trotskyists, union leaders, Communist union leaders, atheists, agnostics, long-haired weirdos, short-haired weirdos, vandals, hooligans, football supporters, namby- pamby probation officers, rapists, papists, papist rapists, foreign surgeons - headshrinkers, who ought to be locked up, Wedgwood Benn, keg bitter, punk rock, glue- sniffers, Play For Today, squatters, Clive Jenkins, Roy Jenkins, Up Jenkins, up everybody's, Chinese restaurants ..."

Sounds a little like 'call me Dave' Cameron with his sudden concern for our 'security', and probably about as sensible and well considered.

For official/internal use only:

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