Wednesday 8 July 2015

Day 264, Summertime Seaside Special

High kicking hoofers, occasionally falling over, in a giant tent.

Bands you've never heard of doing medleys of somebody else's hits.

Third rate comedians telling jokes freshly translated from ancient cave paintings and Egyptian hieroglyphs.  

The entire extravaganza played out in front of a crowd of easily pleased head-handkerchief wearers from some God forsaken hole in middle England.

Whole families bright red from both the sun and the booze, their standard of expectation lowered even further due to the entire event being free.

Hosting this sorry scene would be a Radio 1 DJ, clearly the hottest property of the decade.

Oh how depressing, even in black and white.  Only now have I seen the true horror that those with colour TV must have endured at the time.

And yet, as we see that complete Gideon Oliver presenting his budget that fucks over anybody that isn't in it together with him and his wealthy mates, we are being returned to the nightmare of the 1970s.

How come?

It's the cuts to benefits, the cuts that will disproportionately affect those on lower incomes, and the reduction of tax to the well off, all of these things are taking us back in time.

What a complete crock.

Oh well, maybe it's an opportunity for satire to improve the quality of seaside shows, and to bring down this piss shower of a government.

Here's a picture of Pete and Dud who were far too big, even back then in the impoverished 70s, to have appeared on Seaside special.

Don't be fooled, that isn't Cilla, it's Peter Cook doing one of his characters, he really was a top class act.

And as an antidote to our current position, let's consider what Peter Cook used to say...

“The heyday of satire was Weimar Germany,”

“and look how it stopped Hitler.”

That hasn't helped has it.

For official/internal use only:

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