Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Day 620, Get a head

If you want to get ahead, get a hat.  That's what my old (insert relationship of aged and long since departed relative here) used to say, or so it was said.

So with that in mind here is a picture of an aged and long since departed relative, wearing a hat.  Ostler, ferret plucker, fob watch and hat wearer, and all round teller of tall tales and larger than life character, it's all recognisable from this image.  And if you look closely you might even be able to see ferret feathers in the background.

My Grandmother used to tell stories of them having quality meat during the years of recession, and never once realising that it was a by-product of the ostling-activity, only to be told about it many years later and even then refusing to believe it.  In the coming recession however I doubt horse meat will be an option, after all, where are all the horse wrestlers these days.*

Obviously you need a head to start with if you want to put your hat on it and get ahead.  In this new recession I suspect that milliners are unlikely to be overwhelmed with trade, particularly in those areas where people have demonstrated that they don't want to get ahead, and clearly haven't used their heads.**

I doff my hat at the passing of this cortege.

* I'm 100% certain that's what ostler means, really.
** This is laboured I know, but people really didn't use their heads, and they were effectively told not to by the manipulative, devious, privileged, toss-wipes that lead the leave campaign.

For official/internal use only:

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