Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Day 277, The LASER rooms

Any super villain worth his or her salt will absolutely have a LASER.

If they are fancy-dan then they might also have some sort of super-heating plasma furnace style system for making diamonds, creating proto-life forms, or just generally supervillaining about.

If they are the capo di tutti fruiti of top super villain then they might have all of these things and have them SUB-GROUND!


The risk taken here to tell you about the SUB-GROUND FURNACE/LASER ROOMS is immense and probably cannot be stressed enough.

It was well risky innit, risky, like a real live danger of proportions of magnificent immensitude.

Has that stressed it enough yet?

So how does this completely un-super un-villain know about all of this stuff huh?  Perhaps it's all being made up and this is some cheap-tack Photoshop trickery at the hands of someone with limited skill.

Well no actually, it's much simpler than that.

As is often the case, the greatest secrets are always revealed by something quite mundane.

And anyway, someone has to change the fuses...

For official/internal use only:

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