Thursday, 17 March 2016

Day 517, Solder sponge

This is the ongoing quest to be almost pretty good and definitely not crap, for the least amount of effort.

A five year mission, something, something, mumbles.

No wait, don't mumble.

To do something really good and really well requires time and effort, obviously.

The idea that the least amount of effort is good enough is a flimsy one.

But the difficulty then becomes how much effort beyond 'good enough' is needed.

People will mention the law of diminishing returns, the 80:20 rule, and no doubt others.

I'm pretty sure that if I stop here then I might have inverted the 80:20 rule.

Although not in an ideal way, thus, 20% effort*, and only 20% any good**.

The answer is in the solder sponge, it does not lie.

How so.

Once you start you have to finish, otherwise there is no point.***

* Probably not even 20%, how exactly is that calculated?
** No comment.  Is 'no comment' itself self-referential?
*** This does not need explaining, it is not an obscure reference but a crap analogy.

For official/internal use only:

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