Thursday 19 March 2015

Day 153, Netherthorpe flats, demolition

These flats were ok inside.  If you didn't mind a bit of damp, and water leaking through the roof every now and then.  And the odd neighbour here and there that had held up a small building society by using a cucumber held in a supermarket carrier bag as a gun. 

If you ever meet anyone that has used a cucumber in this configuration for this purpose then it is most likely that you have met a sad and desperate individual that is likely to be suffering with mental health problems.  Cucumber seeds may not be fatal even if they could be fired from a cucumber, however, the law courts still take a dim view and you may spend some time regretting your vegetable based attempt at robbery.  Other than that it was pretty quiet - even given that it had a pub on one side, with very liberal observance of the licensing laws, and a working men's club on the other.

There tend to be a lot of railings and bars used in the construction of social housing, no Victorian wrought ironwork to be seen. Functional, utilitarian, un-decorative bars.  Maybe if you have wielded a cucumber and spent some time in custody it would make you feel more at home when contemplating the result of your actions from the spartan comfort of a police cell.

The cucumber wielder lived a few doors away from some people I knew that lived on here.

All mod cons, look, a balcony to hang your washing out, which doubled as somewhere to sit in fine weather.

The Brightmore Drive blocks in the background.

All gone now.  As are the pub, the working men's club, and the cucumber wielder.  And now with student flats occupying this site there's a likelihood that it's livened up somewhat - there may even be less unsavoury, vegetable based high jinks too (I've no idea what that means).

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