Sunday, 23 April 2017

Week 131, The Big Cheese

Why pretend otherwise, everyone loves cheese - even the lactose intolerant, they're just lying.

And cheese is even better when partnered with super-hot red and green chillies.

Everyone likes those too - if anyone says otherwise they are just being contrary for the sake of it.

We are all the same.

There is no room for difference.

And if you are different then you can just bugger off.

- - - - - - - -

Fortunately not everyone takes the above points of view.

As I recall the Iron Lady saying, "You kip if you want to, this lady's not for kipping."

Mad as a badger and creator of terrible inequality, Mrs T could still recognise complete fruit bats on occasion.

As well as the benefits of partnership rather than isolation.

So... improve palatability, why not partner your super-hot chilli cheese on toast with a reduced tomato jus.*

It is a delight.

* You know it's Heinz Tomato Ketchup.

For official/internal use only:

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