Friday, 14 October 2016

Day 728, Not a broken octopus

This is an absolutely astonishing piece of kit, it's top quality, you don't get many of these to the pound, and if you want this one you're going to have to buy it in USD.


No way am I accepting your stinking sterling, the longer you take to hand over the cash the less it is worth.  Any transaction could be devalued by 10% before the money has been exchanged, to the detriment of the seller, which is why I would've banged a 50% premium on it if selling in pounds, but sod that, who needs instability in their currency?

Alternatively, if you have a handful of Matabele gumbo beads or a fistful of Rentenmarks then we can do business.

This fine piece of late twentieth century MIDI technology was used by bands such as:

Hotslack Crimsofiends
And the Deeply Hip
The Hawkfelchers
Nutty Slack

and the quite overrated, no idea why they would make any list let alone this very select one

Cromford's Undergarments

Indeed this very beat-box could possibly have been used by, maybe, almost certainly, perhaps, one of the better of the well known bands listed above.

It even has such sublime and exotic features as aftertouch threshold, dynamic bend, velocity curve, and morning glory.

Yours for only 100 US Dollars.

You know it makes sense.

Buy it.

Buy it now you wanker.*

* A typical eBay technique is to abuse customers as it increases the number of watchers, viewers, and potential buyers.  Check it out, I never make anything up, not ever.

For official/internal use only:


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