Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Day 663, Das Schloss

I am apparently looking at the castle through an internal window.  The appearance is deceptive for I have not gained access, the building is formidable and the entrance closely guarded.

                                                                                           -  -  -

My paperwork was submitted many months ago, and the wait...

Well, the wait is the wait it has been said, and there is a fight to get to the top, especially when the start is from the bottom.

Who says these things?  You?  Why do you say that?

Excuse me, I have been discourteous.  Let me attempt to enlighten, although my understanding is scant and there may be less than the clarity you desire.  People speak of things where they have little understanding, yet it is only because of their stupidity that they can be so sure.  You have seen, through the ovular window?

Ovular, but there is no such word!

Your reproduction adds no clarity, what you have seen gives the answer, don't duck it.  We are done.

For official/internal use only:

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