Saturday 8 August 2015

Day 295, Loose change, make sure you budget

The accumulation of coins from my pocket on my desk.

This would be enough money to get you through a week if on the dole.

If you'd had some practice at it that is.

It's easy to look at this and not think of it as a big deal.

There's about 80 odd pence in 1p pieces
£1.56 in 2p
£3.50 in 5p
£4.50 in 10p
£13.20 in 20p

Twenty three-ish quid would be a decent amount if you'd spent up for the fortnight - dole money probably isn't fortnightly any longer is it?

In reality on the dole you'd never get to the point where there was more than a couple of quid in change lying around at best.

According to the government being low paid, unemployed, and in receipt of benefit makes your life a piece of piss[1].

Well it does, in the respect that your choices are severely limited.  Although it makes those choices much more difficult ones.

So not such a piece of piss after all if it's a choice between paying for one essential item at the expense of a set of other essential items.  Day after day.  Until the Government cuts your money again, while giving themselves a 10% pay rise and paying lip-service to say that they shouldn't take their rise.  While everything they do for those on low pay is actually taking the rise, or piss, if you prefer.

[1] You only have to listen to the Government to pick that up.

For official/internal use only:

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