Saturday 25 January 2014

Getting To It

Doing stuff. That’s doing stuff, not stuff.  Diving in and getting on, pushing through the non-existent barriers that are created as we interface with the world.  Odd that it appears so difficult, doing something that ostensibly you might enjoy but keep putting off as it requires periods of concentration and sustained effort.

Whereas the outcome is satisfying. So why delay.

Currently the task is to create a setting from an existing piece of poetry for voice and piano, create a vocal melody suitable for the words and harmonise it with simple piano accompaniment.  Rules of harmony have to be observed, and the setting uses primary chords in their root positions only.  The brief appears quite simple, and there have been grumbles from those that have more advanced composition skills, however it does very usefully highlight the structures that are required in the foundations of composition.  It is also an interesting challenge to stick as closely to the rules as possible, making sure there are weak and strong cadences, and no consecutive fifths or octaves throughout the accompaniment.

Obviously while doing this then that is not being done. So, halt this.

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