Sunday, 19 November 2017

Week 161, Cast aside

How can this happen.

The tower cast aside.

A postcard from the city of pavement cafes, discarded in the street, amongst the leaf litter.

If someone can cast the tower aside then what other dereliction could they be capable of.


This is a metaphor.

For official/internal use only:

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Week 160, Labelled with love

Once upon a winter walk

No-one sees

The cabinet revealed

"Delivered" says the new-born

A bill of passage

The jejune box

Documents enclosed

Soon to be distributed over Crookes

By meteorological ambience

A katabatic* wind

Carrying words of hate, hope and love



Any wind blowing down an incline.

For official/internal use only:

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Week 159, Crowded out

Football skies.

Football pies.

27466 bums on seats.

4 goals to 1 against the Tigers.

Clarke's on, crowded out.




I've never eaten the pies.*

* Not even the veggie ones.

For official/internal use only: